Alongside renting photographic equipment and grip packages, Gripvan also offer a wide range of services which producers in particular find useful. Recently we've acted as fixers for an American film crew shooting in the UK, sourced DOPs and Sound Recordists for viral shorts and delivered crash mats around the country for dropkicking-footballers.
Often it is GV03 with its multipurpose interior that is pressed in to service for prop and equipment transport. With its series of high-strength foldaway shelves, long wheelbase and high roof there is little it cannot do.
Earlier this year GV3 was called upon to carry around 100 feet of rubberised trackway from London to Brighton to facilitate access on to the beach for a beautiful Karmann Ghia convertible, along with the equally beautiful cast and crew. With equipment being provided by Gripvan in the form of GV2 in Standard Grip Package guise the whole process was seamless with no time wasted waiting for external companies to deliver the trackway before the shoot could begin. Shooting for Gumtree's latest billboard campaign Photographer David Harniman found using Gripvan "a real pleasure.... [and] nothing was too much trouble. Everything we possibly needed for the shoot was onboard and in great condition."
David Harriman for Gumtree
We've also brought GV3 in to service as a mobile wardrobe for styling and props departments, Jim at serious boy found that the adjustable shelving was great for storing accessories, making them easily visible and quickly accessible. He told us "Working out of this well lit and clean vehicle really helps me and my department to have smooth and efficient shoots."
GV3 is available for your project now, so whether you're carrying wardrobe like Serious Boy, carting a rubber road like David Harriman or moving delicate props, Gripvan can help.
No matter what you need, or where you need it, just give us a call.